Loyola Academy of St. Louis is continuously grateful for our community of support! Thank you to the many individuals, community members, and corporate partners who donate their time, talent, and treasure to our programming. The following graphs depicts the financial summary for the 2023-2024 school year.
Operating Revenue
Operating Expenses
2023-2024 Public Support
Individual Contributions: $1,824,696
Grants: $735,252
Events: $769,675
In-Kind Contributions: $50,652
Total Public Support: $3,380,275
2023-2024 Program Revenue
Tuition and Fees: $112,237
State Lunch Program: $75,755
Other Revenue: $12,759
Total Program Revenue: $200,751
Total Public Support and Revenue: $3,581,026

2023-2024 Operating Expenses
Program: $2,569,487
Management and General: $376,505
Fundraising: $360,117
Total Expenses: $3,306,109