For the last seven years, Loyola Academy students have outpaced their same-aged peers on the nationally normed NWEA assessment in mathematics, reading, language-usage, and science. With an extended school day and small class sizes, teachers are able to use pre-assessment data to make a series of learning goals that are challenging for each year’s current cohort. Curriculum for core classes consistently expands into high school standards by eighth grade.
“Loyola’s work is challenging and enables students to use their full brain, which helps them with problem solving skills. Also, Loyola’s classes teach students what they will be learning next year and possibly in high school.”
– 6th Grade Student, Class of 2025
Academic Support
The office of Academic Support is available for all students, no matter their need or ability. Through collaboration with the Student Support Team, parents, and teachers, students receive individualized academic plans with measurable tools, interventions, and outcomes. Our community of volunteers provide additional support by working one-on-one with students during Independent Reading and Study Hall.
Curriculum By Grade
6th Grade: Advanced Arithmetic and Number Sense (Math), Grammar, Writing Composition and Interpreting Text on an Analytical Level (English/Language Arts), Earth Science (Science), Ancient Civilizations (Social Studies), Old Testament (Religion), Visual Art and Music
7th Grade: Pre-algebra (Math), Grammar, Writing Composition and Analyzing Text on a Literal Level (English/Language Arts), Life Science (Science), Modern World History (Social Studies), New Testament (Religion), Visual Art and Music
8th Grade: Pre-geometry (Math), Grammar, Writing Composition and Exploring Text on an Application Level (English/Language Arts), Physical Science (Science), American History (Social Studies), Church History (Religion), Visual Art and Music